
By Darren
Phew~ Been a tiring week so far...

Must because of the major partying last weekend @@

Jing's and Jono's b'day on the same day~ But celebrating on separate days....... Damnym~~


Last Friday after school went to town straight to the Cyber Cafe for like an hour then went over to red lantern steamboat restaurant . Quite a big bunch of my mates went, like 14 of us~ Mostly China people and taiwan people and 1 Malaysian~ ==

But all good ,xD

gOOd food+ good mates+ good cakes = happy Darren =]

Anyways after having a good full meal, went over to play pool but was really full as it was a friday and was left with one table and 12 people, 2 others went off so left with us haha~
Anyways was really full so me , vic and kyle decided to go CC instead of wasting time there looking at em play pool, so off we went.......................walk walk walk.........

Played C&C 3 Tiberium there just to see the graphics and was like..................OMFGWTFBBQHSBS!! DAMN !

beauty man~ B-E-A-UTY...


After like an hour or so, was called by Xiao Hong to go to Hulucat.

Yes Hulucat, one of me and my mates hangout spots now. Hehe.

It's a taiwan pearl milk tea shop. Well furnished and have the most awesome pearl milk teas!
Like egg pudding milk tea! MA FAVORTITE! its sooooooooooooo nice~ =X

hehez anyways after hanging out there for like an hour there with my mates it was time for some of my younger friends to go back home as there is no bus after 11.30pm so like was left with me, vic, kyle, jessica, jing, jason, xiao hong and xiao rui in the end.

Sat around and chatted and played and ate more cake till around 12.30 then it was...........



Went with Jing , Jessica and Xiao Hong to Magarita Club our usual club which we go like every so often, haha~ anyways didn't have anything to drink because i had to survive the party tommorow. ==

So just had fun dancing and engulfed in the loud music.
I swear, dancing can relax and clear your mind~ Esp when dancing in loud music~ hehe~

Danced till around like 3.30am then went off to the CC to find Vic, Kyle and Xiao Rui.
CoULDnt find anything to do there so decided to muck around the internet and found..........




omg wall-e is soooo cute~ >< hehe ="p"><
Man the wind was blowing like sooo hard , if like Ji Ken were here he dun know fly till hawaii le~ haha!

But yeah it was cold but good thing Jono's house was nice and warm.
Was a nice party, not many people like around 18 people but was good, coz they were my good mates even thought i"m like the only asian there ==

Hehe, watched the Jackass movie at his place
Omg ! TOO GOOD! lOl, it's never been aired in Malaysia for god-knows what reasons..... ITS FREAKING AWESOME! TOO FUNNY! HAHAHAHAH

Then around like 12am when everyone left except me, Sam, Daniel, Tom and of course Jono it was...............



they had bought so much tequila's and shit but was SOOO GOOD!
after that went to bed like around 2am after going crazy with my mates.

woke up at about 5am got ready then went to the city again............. to do what??
GO CC~ ==

Yeah i know, my life now revolves around friends, boooze and CC's...==
Can't help it~ hehe~

But anyways played till like 2pm then went home, was totally wasted .
Got home, and straight slept till the next day. haha~

Then went to school on Monday and today ...

Was alright i guess.. hehe

Anyways going off now, wanna sleep.

Modded my desktop again.
Thanks for the info from Vic.

Check it out~


Start of school........

By Darren
21.07.2008. Monday . 8.45am .

End of winter holiday .

End of 2nd Term.

End of late mornings.

End of doing nothing.


Sucks~ School has started, well it isn't that bad as it sounds but yeah~ kinda wish holi's were a bit more longer oi~ dang'it.

First day at school after so long,
it was hard i tell you.

I had to recall how to write.
Had to remember equations and formulas.
Man tough as~

Holiday's kinda act as a mental retardation to me.
Like after holidays i"m like ~daaaaaauuuuuuuhhhhhhh~~~


But anyways, was nice to see my friends after two weeks,
not much change i guess.. hehez

The second day of school i didn't wanna go, coooozzz of the RAIN.
I gotta walk like 30 minutes to get to school and if it rains.............

............................I"ll be swearing all the way.

So~~~ stayed at home and slept and played C&C.

YES C&C i can finally play it!! bwahahahahah!!

Good game, cept the fact that i can only play it under low graphics conditions to obtain max performance which kinda sucks but all good.


3rd day of school which is today.........

It was raining but then i had to go otherwise i might get a detention.
So waited for the rain to stop a little.

Then began on my long and tracherous journey.................

The weather in Auckland ...........................
can only be described not i english but in hokkien.
The weather in Auckland very Jibai..............

I did my hair today like wax and shit.
So t'was looking good i"m not afraid to say so myself =P

So out the door i went~
Good, no rain.

But............after like 5 minutes of walking, the wind started blowing strongly.
Totally messed up my hair~ grrrrr!

Nevermind, it's just hair.

After the total destruction of my image, rain started pouring heavily.
Grrrr!! Soaked and wet started to swear a bit, but thought to myself, hey~~~ i"ve had worse.

Soon after hey..............no more wind and rain.

Sun came out, and the intense heat started to turn me even more darker.
Grr!! but at least it's not raining anymore and no more wind .......................................


...............................and the sun keeps shining...........................

*middle finger to the sky*

not god,

but the weather...

Yeeeaaaaapppp~ by the time i got to school, i was totally drenched , shivering and darker than before......................


Damn weather~

If it's like that tommorow the hell am i going.............!!



On the lighter side............

It's gonna be a partying weekend for me, Friday night fever for Jing's b'day, Saturday night high with Jono's and Sunday at HTC.


On the darker side.....



But all good i guess, sighz.

Haha now off ta bed, school tommorow~

Please dun rain tommorow sky~
God help me &.&



End of the holidays.

By Darren
Yes as the title goes, it is the END of the holidays. =(
Its been a good one i guess, even though my wallet hurts like hell now........... haha but all good.

-A summary of the things i did this holiday-

1. Crazy overnighter at Xiao Hong's place (video is located in one of the posts ; new video will be out soon . =] )
2. Snowboarding at Mt .Reupehu. ( fun fun FUN! xD )
3. Out to celebrate Kyle's birthday. ( All laughed and teased him so badly because of his failure to get the girl of his so called "yuan fen" . Hahahahaha )
4. Overnighter at HTC. (Kinda lame , 12 people were said to go, in the end only seven came including me and Vic, total waste of time , sleep , money)
5. Fixed Jason's printer and bought snacks and stuff.
6. Read the book " If this is man" ( A sad and true story of the victims of the Holocaust)
7. Constant sleeping when able.
8. Watching movies .
9. Brooding over the days left of my holiday................. =O

Yups~ there's more actually to what i did like , eat , drinking, going out etc. but this is the more main stuff that i did. hehez.

Well yes it has been a very good holiday i gotta admit hehe, a lot of resting up was done, but shit now school's gonna start and its gonna be rough coz its the exam term! SHIT, i haven't even touched any of my books! ahh!!! DEAD.


09.01.1990 - 21.7.2008


=( SIghz~ sooooo dead~
I"ll figure something out eventually! hahahahaah!
Well~ throughout the coming ends of this holiday i"ve been thinking much of somethings.
First off all,
It's kinda weird, when i was were i used to be, my relationship with a some people weren't that good.
However after leaving for here, stuff started to become better.

It's kinda weird feeling of is this a bad thing or a good thing?
LoL~ Who knows i guess.

Yeah~ and this person mainly is apple.

Well yeah~ most of you guys would know that she's my ex.

Well, yeah one of the few ==

Ahem~ Stuff ended on a bad note between me and her, and i guess its only now that stuff started to become better.

Ironically, its after i left for here that stuff only became better.

haha~ that's how life is i guess, it moves in unexpected ways.

I dugged up my ooooold blog too,
read it through and ONE thing came to my mind............


Yeah~ like totally.
Guess i"ve changed kinda alot since coming here.
I think its a good change, well at least thats what i think =)
I think i"ve become less of an emo , thats one~ hehe! xD
and i"ve started to not really like black, coz that kinda associates with the emo's here... which is , depressing to look at. haha

Yeah~ i"m starting to detest emo people.
I feel people who emo a lot are childish.

Emo people are emo because ..............

They are seeking attention because they get little.

They cannot handle they feelings and emotions as an adult.

They do not understand the meaning of move along


They make you feel emo just being around them.

Do not know why i"m talking about this , haha probably this is my renewed sense of purpose in life! To counsel and destroy emo'ism! hahahahaha

And another thing,
Most of you have seen the photo of me on my blog .
(If you haven't .......................please consult your local optometrist , because YOU are BLIND.)
hahahahaha xD

Anyways, apparently hair like mine is considered emo by SOME white people here and SOME asians who have lived here their whole life and not been exposed to the asian fasion world.


*middle finger*

Ahh that feels so much better having said that.
hehe xp

So yeah~ school's starting on monday, and gotta get to more sleep! hehe xD

anyways....................... i have no idea why~ but

I feel more alive after the snowboarding trip.........

Must be the ice i hit my head against.............. =S




By Darren
I"m back yo~
Not from skiing , no..............

OK ,
Woke up at around 3 am, damn was so sleepy good thing i set 3 alarms, phone 2 times, and watch.
Barely managed to wake up.

Took about 5 hours just to reach there, but oooooo boy ................

Beauty isnt it?
More coming up....

This Mountain is called Mt. Reupehu in Fakapapa.
Yes i know the names sound wrong
Mt. Rape-a-who in Fack-a-papa.
=. =

Maori names~


On first reaching, dang~ i almost just froze completely!
So fuckin cold!
Was around like 2- 3 degrees and i was just wearing a shirt and track pants.
My cute cousin Rei who was totally prepared with 4 layers of clothes said : It's not cold, its so warm!
Haha, but anyways, off to hiring gear and stuff,
At first thought ok i"m going skiing..........
Den 1 guy with a snowboard past, another with a cool snowboard past,
a whole group with cool huge snowboards.
Then a whole group of old people and kids with skiis.........

Then i knew my calling.................



wait i dun know how to snowboard~
= =

Never mind........ i"ll try, here goes...... 1,2,3...



Hehe , so went to snowboard school. Was bout 2 hours, but hey!
not pro..................BUT I CAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha...*ugh*


Hehe met some people from HK and Malaysia there too, all in the same snowboard noob class haha, but good fun!
Fell down so many times at first, but soon got better and finally was able to snow board down the slope with no problems! hahaha nice man the velocity! hehe

After like around 4 pm went back to the chalet and i found that i can't move my both arms coz i had used them too much to break at the start of the lessons and my waist and hands were bleeding coz i took of my gloves and snowboarded for a while and had fell down and scraped it ,

But all good~ hehe =)
Worth it......

The next day went to the farm , my uncle wanted to bring my cute cousin Rei there, hehe.
So cute la the animals there and farmer Rei haha!

mmmEEEHHH~gGGiiVVee Usss FFoooDDD

no! dun eat the bucket!

Check out my crip yo!

Hehe xD

After that jiu go back home le~ soooooooo damn tired now~ body aching over! But wish i could have snowboarded and play with Rei for few more days, haha oh well~mORe pics can be found

right over there >>>>>>>>>>>
Go to the *CLICK CLICK * and go to photo albums, hehe

GO check it out xD

well back to more sleeping and living like pig now~



New Desktop~

By Darren

Lately too free d go and mod desktop , huhu

Rocket docks and google sidebar and a kickass wallpaper! hahahahaha

Seriously i"m just too bored~

BWAHAHAHhaaha~ *cough*

Later going to Taupo at about 4 am ,
zz totally dun know how i"m gonna wake up or stay up till that time, haha.
But anyways looking forward! hehe~

Now its winter, and its the holidays , in fact the last week for holi =(
But yeah lately after coming back from Xiao Hong's wus at home for the past 2-3 days, sleeping and OMG EATING LIKE A PIG ><
ARgh~ just can't stop, its the bloody cold weather making me eat and eat! agh!!

Damnit, just finished dina and a quater of chips and i"m still hungry! argh SNORT SNORT!

Anyways end here, will come back with photo's from my trip and the sequel to the Video of the overnighter at my frenz too~ hehez


Video Footage!

By Darren
This is the video of the overnighter at my mates place.

Done by Vic.

Enjoy it =D


Winter Holiday .

By Darren

Finally back home~ Phew........
Was at my mate Xiao Hong's place for 3 days with 4 other good friends.

Fun fun fun~

but probably considered geeky fun as we were mostly just eating and playing stuff, battlefield 2 mostly. . . hehe =D

Eating was also want of the main things that we did while at Xiao Hong's place. hahahahaha finally i have regained my position as the second- largest eater! bwahahahaha! xD
Sobz can never win that bastard Xiao Hong, he has a black hole for a stomach.
But good food man! phew steamboat! yum! haha

Loads of food
Loads of beer
And just enjoying the company of good friends.

Here's some photo's......... hehez

Yes thats me.
Apparently i lost .
Got squashed by my mate's tank while i was hitching a ride.

Random photo of me and Kyle while preparing for dina...

Master Chef Xiao Hong preparing the ingredients for the steamboat.



Look at them
3 guys googling at the screen in that way.
must be porn =P

Net cafe.

Yeap, thats the photo's from day 1 and 2 ,

There were so many laptops that his house became a cyber cafe. lol
But noooo DOTA for a change which was cool.

Battlefield is actually quite a fun game if you play it with a few friends.
It's more............... funnier. haha

On day 3 we went to watch Kung Fu Panda.


LoL , its my second time watching it d and i still love it.

But kinda like overspent my budget =X
but anyways all good, had a lot of fun. XD

So now back home d,
kinda back to the normal mood.
Was sooo high when was at Xiao Hong's.
Must've been the booze haha.

Had a lot of time so was playing diablo 2 . .
Died like 10 times just to bloodily kill him!
grr >< Then had time still so decided to further improve my desktop visuals which i am very proud of hehe =D Man~ i love the holidays~ Gonna sleep soon, hehe can sleep in! wooohhoooo!


Geek Mania!

By Darren
HAHA , turning more and more into a geek i think. Or probably i''ve always been one "~"

LoL, today was awesome, i have study for the second period of school and a late start on wednesday so i only gotta get to school by 11.30. Which gives me loads of time. Today went the the city in the morning. Went ta CC. HAHA! SEE Geek! xD

Hehe but anyways was playing COD4 with Jono and Sam.
Man~ totally got own. But i think i"m starting to like that game. It's kinda like CS, with way better graphics, gun enhancements, air strikes, killing sprees, and and different gun classes. And the best thing. NO HP. so its like one fatal hit and your dead. So yeah~ it is kinda cool~ lol Contridicting myself yet again~~~ =X

LoL , we're planing to do a overnighter at the CC one day in the holidays and play that game and age of empires . LoL a bit crazy and over but i actually might say yes and go LoL! I"m being geek-a-fied by them! xO

LoL, on the other hand ...............................2 MORE FUKIN DAYS TILL HOLI! WOOOOOOOOOOO~~

Hehe~ Now every one's starting to get all excited to go to the school ball. I was thinking about going for it, but decided not to as all my good mates aint going. Well yeah their not really the dancing type people, but i sure won't be seen no where without me mates! hehe xD
Anyways~ Theme of the ball this year is God's and Goddess.

Gay~ totally. . . I was like *Global hand sign* WTF.
Hehe but to think of it, if all my chinese friends and white friends aren't going, why the fuck should i fucking go? The people who would be going would be either brown people or white people and a very very, very few chinese. Actually probably 4or 5 lol. So yeah, i"ll be clubbing the night away on that day! hehe~

Will be going to go mountain trekking with me uncle on the second week of holi. Mount Waipahu . SOOO EXCITED! man~ i used to hate these shit, its sooo elderly and like boring, but now i think i"ve kinda changed into the scenery loving person.. . haha yeah i know , i sound like some 76 year old man going about how he loves the great outdoors and singing ' Lets talk about the birds and the bees and......................." *punch* ............oh for fucks sake........... Ahem so yeah, I"m gonna go skiing!!!! woooooooohoooooooooo xD YEAH! looking forward to that. HUHU~ NIN NIN NIN!~

Yeah getting all high coz of the holi~ teehee~ =D

But yeah 2 more days! hahahahaahaha

Hehe dun know why ~ but today i"m feeling all random and shit.

Here's a random photo i found.....



no more d la.

bye la.


end. =P