Start of school........

By Darren
21.07.2008. Monday . 8.45am .

End of winter holiday .

End of 2nd Term.

End of late mornings.

End of doing nothing.


Sucks~ School has started, well it isn't that bad as it sounds but yeah~ kinda wish holi's were a bit more longer oi~ dang'it.

First day at school after so long,
it was hard i tell you.

I had to recall how to write.
Had to remember equations and formulas.
Man tough as~

Holiday's kinda act as a mental retardation to me.
Like after holidays i"m like ~daaaaaauuuuuuuhhhhhhh~~~


But anyways, was nice to see my friends after two weeks,
not much change i guess.. hehez

The second day of school i didn't wanna go, coooozzz of the RAIN.
I gotta walk like 30 minutes to get to school and if it rains.............

............................I"ll be swearing all the way.

So~~~ stayed at home and slept and played C&C.

YES C&C i can finally play it!! bwahahahahah!!

Good game, cept the fact that i can only play it under low graphics conditions to obtain max performance which kinda sucks but all good.


3rd day of school which is today.........

It was raining but then i had to go otherwise i might get a detention.
So waited for the rain to stop a little.

Then began on my long and tracherous journey.................

The weather in Auckland ...........................
can only be described not i english but in hokkien.
The weather in Auckland very Jibai..............

I did my hair today like wax and shit.
So t'was looking good i"m not afraid to say so myself =P

So out the door i went~
Good, no rain.

But............after like 5 minutes of walking, the wind started blowing strongly.
Totally messed up my hair~ grrrrr!

Nevermind, it's just hair.

After the total destruction of my image, rain started pouring heavily.
Grrrr!! Soaked and wet started to swear a bit, but thought to myself, hey~~~ i"ve had worse.

Soon after more wind and rain.

Sun came out, and the intense heat started to turn me even more darker.
Grr!! but at least it's not raining anymore and no more wind .......................................


...............................and the sun keeps shining...........................

*middle finger to the sky*

not god,

but the weather...

Yeeeaaaaapppp~ by the time i got to school, i was totally drenched , shivering and darker than before......................


Damn weather~

If it's like that tommorow the hell am i going.............!!



On the lighter side............

It's gonna be a partying weekend for me, Friday night fever for Jing's b'day, Saturday night high with Jono's and Sunday at HTC.


On the darker side.....



But all good i guess, sighz.

Haha now off ta bed, school tommorow~

Please dun rain tommorow sky~
God help me &.&



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