Last Post of Aug!!

By Darren
Yeap~ Lasto Posto!!

Alright what to write.

Yesterday homestay's son had a after ball party at the house.
Yeah and its a booze party~ haha~

Tipical kiwi parties lorr~~

I was so fukin suprized by my ability to NOT get drunk!

Had 5 bottles of beers.
2 asahi's
1 Tatoo
1 Archers
1 Corona
and 1 full cup of midori


just heavy headed, but fully alert.

How do i know this is not just bullshit?


Just one of the reasons however.
But yeah i know myself.

Hehe~ others had like 3 bottles and started puking.
15 people in the house to a ratio of 20 empty bottles.

Darren's room 5 bottles .


brr damn boozer!!! ><
K gonna layoff the alcohol for awhile.

Well for a day that is . hahahahaha =D

Having physics exam tomorrow.
Aihz~ SAD so damn dead man~

Didnt study much for it, no mood nehz~

TOO much to study , TOO little time. DAMN!!~~

i Better look at it a bit later~ sigh =(

I"m just glad its all ending this wednesday~~ Then can go PAAAARRTY!!! WOHOOOOO~~

yeah i know~ boozer + party animal.



GET A LIFE!!!!!!


2nd Last post of the month!!

By Darren
Yeah as its the 30th already, goodness times fly, kinda made myself come to blog cuz there seems to be a big decrease in blogging times every month. ==

So i need to gambateh !!

Need make more blog posts! ><

haha~ anyways. exams have fukin started and its FUKIN GAY!! ARGGHH~~!!

Physics internal was alright just the fact that when drawing graph did simple mistake at graph transformation when its suppose to be 1/X i went and did 1/(y data) and still write 1/x and say HEY I DID A GOOD JOB AY? to myself......... == how D/U/M/D can a person actually get??? Sigh

Then there was english..
GAY gay gay gayyyyyyy

2 Essays, one sheet of unfamiliar textS , and SHAKESPEAR.
I was like DAMMNYM~~

Thanks for killing me at the head first.


Then chemistry.

Dun even get me started.


Whatevz~ went to town on friday afta school, needed to unwind.

Went to Hulucat with Alice, had some caramel pudding pearl milk tea and some green tea pumpkin seeds. Yes you heard. GREEN TEA PUMPKIN SEEDS AKA GREEN DEVILS.

I was so hungry but didn't really have much mood to eat. Alice wanted to try the goddamn seeds.

YES Thats me~ and yes i am fukin annoyed by the fact i even ordered that. But Alice was having fun with em. WHATEVZ! =s

Haha, after that went to watch Hellboy2 with Sam, Tom and Besann.
I dun know why, but i sdd found out that i dun really mix well with whites/kiwi's i dun really know??
Its the feeling of unfreedom of speech , where i can speak like who i really am. Like A FUKIN MALAYSIAN WITH ROJAK ENGLISH!

hehe~ hey~ ROJAK ENGLISH is GOOD! messy but TASTY! =D

Anyways, going to Auckland University open day later. Around 11 i guess, sigh.
So lazy, but den hey~ go and look see also not bad.


Yesterday/ this morning 2am plus was chatting with one of my best mates nick.
Change alot that guy.

I want to congratulate him coz he slim down so much *claps*...............*wisphers* kinda tot impossible neh =P ................HAHAHAHAHA just jk JK la ! chill ah~ RELAK! lol

My other best mate Ken. Eh , rowk la u! Nice outfit at the prom night.!!
Cheer up ah! I"m sure stuff will turn out OK.


K la~~ i"m gonna make something to eat.



Mock Exams

By Darren
Yeah mock exams starting tomorrow.

Sigh a bit scared , but want to do (-o -')

Hmmmz , been studying chemistry lately, kinda getting more and more better at it.
I"ve thought about it and planna do stuff regarding chemistry or food next time.

Its kinda cool to think about it, you know working at a food company , say some cereal company. Get to try out or the kinds of cereals. Or say a chips company, lol~ i know, all i think about is food now. Hey, i"m a growing boy~ lol =S

Today decided to stay at home and study, but in the end only spent two hours studying and other times sleeping. Pathetic me ~~~~ =(

But whatevz , later do a bit more studying.

Been watching this movie/ show called robot chicken.

Its just like really random videos of dolls portraying our real life like celebrities and other movies and shit ITS AWESOME. !!

Its the funniest show ever man~ honestly check it out ! =]

Here's few of the many MANY videos...........

Anyways time check, its 05.45pm 27-08-2008 Wednesday.
Another 96 more days and i"m home free.

Been thinking about home this few days.

So the olympics ended, and china won.
No offense but that's total BULLSHIT.

Those cheating bastard, i don't get it, if you wanna win you play fair.
Why try so hard to win ay? To show off? To show your better?
Well if You CHEAT and FAKE you aren't exactly showing good sportmanship and hence only bring the whole nations reputation DOWN you SUCKERS.

Hey i know i"m chinese and damn well proud of it, but i"m not directly from china and don't give crap about what they say how good their country is.
Don't get me wrong, i have good china friends and i value them as friends but you can't judge people according to their nation right.

So yeah good china friends , bad china ! BOOOO!!

If you wanna win , you win fair you SUCKERS , otherwise you still LOSE .

ahem * clears throat*

other than that, congratulations .


Probably been mixing too much with my taiwanese friends thats why became so hateful of china. Lol.

For most of you who know me , know that i still play DoTA.

Well at least for the next 2-3 years i think , ( =p )

DoTA has been constantly improving this past few years and its not outdated because a new map is out EVERY MONTH. So It AINT oudated.
-Peace out-

LOL~ The graphics of DoTA has been improved greatly and i dedicated 5 blank space of silence to appreaciate the dude who came out with this game.



Well gotta get back to my studying now.

Catch ya later ay~ ^^

100 DAYS ................. still

By Darren
The countdown timer shows 100 days left for me to be able to go back to Malaysia.
Hehz happy

Time really goes by so fast .
Really fast.

Just finished Heroes Season 2 Today.
That cunt bag~


Anyways LOVE IT! I wonder whether the season 3 is out yet.
Can't be bothered to look it up on the net with ma internet speed so slow .


SO bored today.
Came back home around 8am today , had some sleep till 12. Then just started watching heroes.

Wanted to do some studying actually >.<

Exams next thursday d!! ARGGHH~~~ wish me luck @@

Went to have some drinks with my mates yesterday at a pub down by the docks.

Really classy place. REAL classy prices too~ but good lager beer and apple cider tho~! =]
But gotta admit CRAZY MEXICANS still Ow3d!!


Anyways lately kinda into techno again~ lol probably due to the fact that i haven't been clubbing in awhile.

LoL~ sigh gotta worry about exams first tho~ ==

Alright lets see, now studying chem, its not bad .
The hard one is physics! sigh~!


Then its like today, haven't really talked or chat with anyone.

Everyone's like busy and ignoring me.
That's like what i normally do but whatever, ................. FUCK U


ANGRY Darren! \ /


i miss u _ _ _ _ _

dun club so much la~~ @@

get more rest later sick again nehz =(


better get back to my studying.


Morning Posto!!

By Darren
Yes its my first like morning post !! hehe =X

Not morning morning like 2 3 am but morning MORNING post like 8.28am! =D

Nothing to write actually and have like 5 minutes before going off to school.


SO~ Lets see, 103 more days till going back! yay~~~!! HAPPY =]


Friday DOTA night~ WOOHHOOOOO~ !!


bTw~ i know DOTA is outdated and all ................

>3 minutes 11 seconds to go<

Yeeeaaaahh~ so school soon.

EXAMS ARGGGGHH~!!! F*** damnit.

only studied like a thinsy winny bitty~ damy~~~~ @@

OK never mind cool down Darren *breathe*

>2 minutes 29 seconds <


Finished like season one in 3 days!! SUCCESS !! =]

nice nice nice~ totally rowks to the core, although i hate how some one as powerful as Slyar dies just like that~ Or he's probably not dead???? @@


huhuhuhuu *jokes* ( ' o ' )

> 1 minute 03 seconds <


gotta pack stuff la~!!

bye lorz !! ^^


By Darren
Yes yes YES!

It is official, i will be coming back to Malaysia on the 2nd Of December . Hehe.
Yeah and considering its the 17th of Aug today, the countdown on my retuning has begun!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

105 days in counting----------

Yes~ But my exams are also on the countdown now
11 more days till practice exams.

82 more days till NCEA

105 more days till MALAYSIA



hehe =D

So yeah quite happy lately , as things have been going not bad, apart from me getting sick ==
Yes yes, i get sick all the time, don't know why . Hmmm must be because walking under the rain too much i guess =O

But anyways, will probably rest at home tomorrow to get better , because seriously like coughing a lot now. =(
Xin ku!!

But anyways still holding on. =)

Key ingredients that keep Darren alive now *
1. My mates here.
2. My uncle and Aunty Jane and family . (Thanks guys =] )
3. Hopes to go back to Malaysia and gather all my friends .
4. Training of DOTA to go back and beat the crap outta all the bitches in Malaysia , hahahahaha!
5. GOD!

Aight , so yeah thats the stuff keeping me alive now.

I kinda don't really know what to write these days cause my life hasn't really been too interesting lately i guess haha.

Yesterday went for life group dinner in town.
Was nice , had Ramen for dinner, (GOOD RAMEN =@ )
Met up with friends that haven't seen in awhile , and yeah was all good.
Although currently going more and more broke. ==
But was worth it =)

What else....................

Oh yeah~ haha. Brought most of my friends who never played or played very little DOTA to go all hardout now.
LoL~ iT'S a good feeling to see how one slowly grows in the path of DOTA, but haha still long way for them to go .
HEHE~ jia you guys!! ^^

What else.......................

Yeah i think that's about it, can't really think much when your ill i guess ==

Going off now.

WIsh me luck in my exams =O


Life as it is now~

By Darren


Not bad.

Been taking life kinda easy these few days, probably too ez d ==

Yeah spent the night in ct on thursday, AGAIN.


i know i know, bad boy~
but hey!

i didn't go clubbing at least =p

Just train Xiao Hong and Xiao Rui's DOTA............ alamak............ * vomit blood*

but yeah better than nothing at least i"m starting to have friends here that actually play DOTA. LoL

That day saw on webcam Sarah's house with MJ, Ken, Sarah and Mark inside.
Making cookies, kinda make me miss being back last time where we all had tuition there.
Everytime sure would buy a packet of fried mushrooms, YUM! =D

But yeah , another 4 more months than can go back d. hehe =0
Can't wait..

Gotta book my plane tickets now which is bum, but yeah to get back home i will do it! hehe

Anyways been a slow but restful weekend for me, slept like A LOT, which felt really REALLY good.


Exams coming up like in 3 weeks time,
but no mood to study, like SOO lazy.
(>.<) Becoming more like a pig d. == Sigh. *Slaps* I GOTTA DO THIS! p(>. <'q) Hehe. Anyways heard a very touching and meaningful story today wanna share with you all. =)
A boy walked in to a pet store one day.

The shop owner came to him and asked : How can i help you son?

The boy said : Can i look at your puppies here? I don't have much only 2.27 dollars but i"m willing to pay to just look at the puppies.

Shop owner said : You can look at them for free son , smiled and went off to bring the puppies out of their cages.

The boy look at the puppies that were realeased on the floor, all lively and jumping about , then suddenly one puppy caught his eyes.

The puppy didn't jump or move much.

The boy instantly said to the shop owner : Thats the one i was looking for!

The shop owner said : You won't want that one, it has a hip socket without a bone and would be crippled for life.

The boy said : I"m sure i want that puppy, i will pay you 15cents a month until i pay the puppies price in full.

The shop owner said : Son you can have that one for free, but are you sure you want him? He won't be able to run and jump with you like where the other dogs would be able to.

The boy looked up to the shop owner and said : That's exactly why i want him.

The boy pulled up his left trousers which revealed a metal leg and said : At least this puppy won't be alone because i know how he feels and i can be there for him and understand his pain when everyone else doesn't.



i was so =( when i heard it.

Oh and , true story =)


Vic's B'day

By Darren

My mate Vic's 18th.


Good b'day!


Woke up like around 7++

Was sooo tired but dun know why i would get up early ................... damn retarded body ==

OK so like got ready and went off to the city to meet up with Xiao Hong , Kyle and the birthday boy Vic .

Vic is a good mate of mine.
Long haired metal lover.
Creative and artsy guy.

CrAzY bastard.......................... guess that's why his one of my good mates. LoL! =O

lol anyways
Met up~ Went off to burger king to start off the day..

But not for me

Because i had this for lunch!!

xD xD xD xD


It is toooo good that this section of my blog shall be dedicated to this wonderful creation of mankind.
Although it come in small proportions two packets should make up for a full meal. =]
The seasoning is awesome, but take care to not add too much water as it will make the soup less tasty.
But other than that .............. IT IS SIMPLY AWESOME!! =X
Best of all only cost 1.25$!!!! =O =O =O =O



OK back to my Vic's Birthday~
After having awhile in burger king smelly bomb came.

Yes you heard me Smelly bomb a.k.a J B


yEah he stinks, don't ask, he just does. =S

haha ok~ then after of to get tickets for....................................


Heath Ledger is legend in this movie man , LEGEND!

His acting as joker is like SUPERB man! TOTALLY WORTH WATCHING 8.5/10
0.5 = Coz nothing is perfect
1.0= Heath Ledger is dead =(

But anyways! It was awesome! >< HEHE
iT was even awesome because we were watching it at iMAX theaters.

and hell yeah it is BIG.

hehez~ it is so big i cannot even say its big!


since words cannot express ~

using my great artistic skills i shall illustrate*
ta da*!


Yes it is that huge and probably even bigger, coz the screen touched all the way down to the floor and i was sitting at the the front row seats which had to go up stairs to get up to.


But yeah , an awesome movie , in an awesome cinema.
Good sound effects, and fuking big ass screen.
Was like if i looked straight only i would be looking at their feet only =S


But all good!! Gonna watch it there again!! =D

After a good movie, J B a.k.a Smelly Bomb went off, so me and my good mates went off to have korean BBQ!

YUM YUM ! but fucking koreans...................... bloody increased the price to 20$ which makes it 40RM per person.


But it's Vic b'day and the food was good, so won't complain =/


After filling up our stomach with good korean bbq , start to go a biiittt crazy~

no prizes for guessing what that resembles =p

Anyways~ went off to HuLu cat to have some good old pearl milk tea, and boy is it GOOD!

Good food + good friends + good movie + GOOD pearl milk tea ---> Fuking satisfied Darren =]
It would better if there was booze =( but that would make me ----> Fuking satisfied insanely-perverted Darren == and i won't want that won't i....................... well for the time being =p BWAHAHAH!

Anyways~ off to bed now.

Remember to stay tuned to Exodus Blogs

Thank you for patronizing this blog =)

(' _ ')(-_-)(' _ ') Arigato~

and HEY.................