Mock Exams
Yeah mock exams starting tomorrow.
Sigh a bit scared , but want to do (-o -')
Hmmmz , been studying chemistry lately, kinda getting more and more better at it.
I"ve thought about it and planna do stuff regarding chemistry or food next time.
Its kinda cool to think about it, you know working at a food company , say some cereal company. Get to try out or the kinds of cereals. Or say a chips company, lol~ i know, all i think about is food now. Hey, i"m a growing boy~ lol =S
Today decided to stay at home and study, but in the end only spent two hours studying and other times sleeping. Pathetic me ~~~~ =(
But whatevz , later do a bit more studying.
Been watching this movie/ show called robot chicken.
Its just like really random videos of dolls portraying our real life like celebrities and other movies and shit ITS AWESOME. !!
Its the funniest show ever man~ honestly check it out ! =]
Here's few of the many MANY videos...........
Anyways time check, its 05.45pm 27-08-2008 Wednesday.
Another 96 more days and i"m home free.
Been thinking about home this few days.
So the olympics ended, and china won.
No offense but that's total BULLSHIT.
Those cheating bastard, i don't get it, if you wanna win you play fair.
Why try so hard to win ay? To show off? To show your better?
Well if You CHEAT and FAKE you aren't exactly showing good sportmanship and hence only bring the whole nations reputation DOWN you SUCKERS.
Hey i know i"m chinese and damn well proud of it, but i"m not directly from china and don't give crap about what they say how good their country is.
Don't get me wrong, i have good china friends and i value them as friends but you can't judge people according to their nation right.
So yeah good china friends , bad china ! BOOOO!!
If you wanna win , you win fair you SUCKERS , otherwise you still LOSE .
ahem * clears throat*
other than that, congratulations .
Probably been mixing too much with my taiwanese friends thats why became so hateful of china. Lol.
For most of you who know me , know that i still play DoTA.
Well at least for the next 2-3 years i think , ( =p )
DoTA has been constantly improving this past few years and its not outdated because a new map is out EVERY MONTH. So It AINT oudated.
-Peace out-
LOL~ The graphics of DoTA has been improved greatly and i dedicated 5 blank space of silence to appreaciate the dude who came out with this game.
Well gotta get back to my studying now.
Catch ya later ay~ ^^
Sigh a bit scared , but want to do (-o -')
Hmmmz , been studying chemistry lately, kinda getting more and more better at it.
I"ve thought about it and planna do stuff regarding chemistry or food next time.
Its kinda cool to think about it, you know working at a food company , say some cereal company. Get to try out or the kinds of cereals. Or say a chips company, lol~ i know, all i think about is food now. Hey, i"m a growing boy~ lol =S
Today decided to stay at home and study, but in the end only spent two hours studying and other times sleeping. Pathetic me ~~~~ =(
But whatevz , later do a bit more studying.
Been watching this movie/ show called robot chicken.
Its just like really random videos of dolls portraying our real life like celebrities and other movies and shit ITS AWESOME. !!
Its the funniest show ever man~ honestly check it out ! =]
Here's few of the many MANY videos...........
Anyways time check, its 05.45pm 27-08-2008 Wednesday.
Another 96 more days and i"m home free.
Been thinking about home this few days.
So the olympics ended, and china won.
No offense but that's total BULLSHIT.
Those cheating bastard, i don't get it, if you wanna win you play fair.
Why try so hard to win ay? To show off? To show your better?
Well if You CHEAT and FAKE you aren't exactly showing good sportmanship and hence only bring the whole nations reputation DOWN you SUCKERS.
Hey i know i"m chinese and damn well proud of it, but i"m not directly from china and don't give crap about what they say how good their country is.
Don't get me wrong, i have good china friends and i value them as friends but you can't judge people according to their nation right.
So yeah good china friends , bad china ! BOOOO!!
If you wanna win , you win fair you SUCKERS , otherwise you still LOSE .
ahem * clears throat*
other than that, congratulations .
Probably been mixing too much with my taiwanese friends thats why became so hateful of china. Lol.
For most of you who know me , know that i still play DoTA.
Well at least for the next 2-3 years i think , ( =p )
DoTA has been constantly improving this past few years and its not outdated because a new map is out EVERY MONTH. So It AINT oudated.
-Peace out-
LOL~ The graphics of DoTA has been improved greatly and i dedicated 5 blank space of silence to appreaciate the dude who came out with this game.
Well gotta get back to my studying now.
Catch ya later ay~ ^^